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  • 华智邦


    深圳市华智邦知识产权顾问有限公司是在“创新改变行业,智慧改变未来”的理念下诞生的一家专业化知识产权服务机构,位于中国知识产权示范市——深圳市(福田区)。 Shenzhen Hertzborn Intellectual Property Consultants Ltd. is located at IP model city of China-Shenzhen, providing intellectual property services, upholding the concept of “innovation create the industry, wisdom made the future”. “华智邦”主要为客户提供中国知识产权领域的法律咨询,专注于商标、著作权和发明专利、实用新型、外观设计等相关业务,并代理客户处理该领域的各类法律案件,成立至今服务多家产业园区及上市、中小型企业。 Hertzborn’s main service cover most fields of intellectual property in China, specializing in trademarks, copyrights, patents, utility models, industrial designs and all related legal businesses. Hertzborn provides those service for many industrial parks, listed companies , small and medium-sized enterprise. 在“互联网+”思维的启发和带动下,“华智邦”力求打破传统模式,致力于为广大企业和社会公众提供便捷高效、专业创新的知识产权法律服务,包括在线知识产权管理,特别是商标服务方面,已经实现在线选择服务、在线支付、在线管理公司所有商标等,整个流程可视化、可追溯,所有资料保存在华智邦平台数据库,方便企业随时掌握商标动态、及时便捷地管理以及做出决策。 Inspired by \"Internet +\", Hertzborn is born to seek a new IP service model which will provide efficient, professional and innovative intellectual property legal services for personal and public enterprise. We are now establish online intellectual property management system, in particular the area of trademark services ,achieving online submitting information, online payment, online managing. All clients’ data will be safety stored in the Hertzborn’s database so that all clients can keep abreast of their trademarks anytime and anywhere and make decision timely and conveniently. 在2014年9月的达沃斯论坛上,中国国务院李克强总理提出“大众创业、万众创新”的号召,深圳市各级政府及广大企业、创业者积极响应,深圳市的创业、创客孵化器如雨后春笋般发展,“华智邦”作为第一批响应这个大时代号召的知识产权服务企业,秉承深圳本地企业的创新奉献精神,2015年与深圳华强集团有限公司成立的“华强北国际创客中心”进行深度合作,为创客团队提供定点、个性化知识产权及法律服务。 Hertzborn is the main core partners of Huaqiang Bei International Maker Center as response to the call of \"encourage people to start their owe businesses and to make innovations\" of Chinese Prime minister Li Keqiang , on September 2014 Davos Forum. Hertzborn provides IP service, law consulting for many startup teams and incubators. 业务领域 (一)知识产权代理业务Intellectual Property Agency Business 中国商标 China Trademark ● 注册申请、查询检索、续展、变更、撤销、无效、许可备案、转让等; Application, Retrieval, Renewal, Change, Cancellation, Invalid, License, Transfer Etc. ●商标战略规划 Trademark Strategic Planning ●商标托管Trademark Management 国际商标 International Trademark ●马德里国际商标注册申请 Applying Madrid International Trademark ●单一国家注册申请:北美、欧洲、中南亚、澳洲等多个国家 Applying Trademark in North America, Europe, Middle-South Asia, Australia and other Countries 中国专利 China Patent ●专利分析、专利申请、查询检索、规划、无效、许可备案、转让等 Analysis, Application, Retrieval, Change, Strategic Planning, Invalid, License, Transfer Etc. 著作权 Copyright ●著作权登记、转让、数字设计作品备案、时间戳等 Registration, Transfer, Recording of Digital Design Works, Applying Time Stamp (二)跨境电商平台类业务 Cross-border E-commerce Service ●为亚马逊、速卖通、Tomtop、DX、兰亭、环球易购、有棵树等大中型跨境电商平台上的企业提供品牌规划、平台规则对接、规避侵权、维权申诉等综合国际知识产权解决方案 Providing International Intellectual Property Solution for the Cross-Border E-commerce Seller (三)创客孵化服务 Maker Incubation Service ●为孵化器、创客空间解决在运营过程中遇到的各类法律问题,例如标准化租赁合同起草、融资项目尽职调查、项目法律风险评估等 Providing Legal Solution for Incubator and Maker Center in the Process of Their Operation ●为创客空间入驻企业和团队提供贴近的、一站式法律服务:从初创到成立运营,从内部规范管理到外部交易安全 Providing Legal Service For Startup Teams and Enterprises (四)法律顾问 Legal Counsel ●合同事项:起草、修改、审核各类经济合同及许可协议、技术转让协议、保密协议等 Contact- To draft, modify, review all kinds of economic contract, license agreement, technical transfer agreement, confidentiality agreement etc. ●风险评估:投融资、众筹、项目运作法律风险评估 Risk Assessment - Investment and Financing ●公司管理:股权架构、劳动人事、财税 Risk Assessment - Enterprise Management ●法律咨询 Legal Consulting ●法律培训及讲座 Legal Training

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